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 Wetland Monitoring  

We examines wetlands, tidal and seasonal marsh process for organizations, non-profits an private land owners. We incorporate monitoring design that will demonstrate quantifiably measurable changes due to management actions. Our monitoring has the ecological integrity of wetlands in mind. If its to examine on the species level, functional guilds or the plant cover - we have the expertise! We use target change detected methodology to streamline the monitoring.


Planting Design for Landscapes

Designing a wetland plant palette for your ecosystem can involve a number of moving parts. Baxter Botanical can provide you a number of skills and talents to meet your end goals. We specialize in achieving habitat enhancement with little maintenance there-after.  If its to create a move forward with small incremental changes, with the future landscape in mind applying structural and species diversity. We have an understanding of what plant grows well where to create it in today’s rapidly evolving environment.


Wetland Restoration and Research

Ecological restoration and research is cutting edge in sites that have a long history of management and use of sound science for habitat recovery. Plant community changes from geomorphological modifications from directed construction can lead to species recovery. Research combined with on the ground experimentation and proven to restoration.

Wetland Services: Services
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